Garden Member Requirements
The rules and responsibilities below are for all garden members. We are all volunteers who pay a nominal fee of $10 a year to be a member of Pleasant Village Community Garden. These responsibilities come with membership. If you are unsure whether you are willing to adhere to these rules & carry out these responsibilities, other gardens may better suited for your needs.
1. Membership fees are due at the last meeting of the gardening season for returning members. If you do not pay then, you will lose your plot that day to someone else who is waiting for a plot.
2. Members are responsible for keeping up to date on garden rules, their open hour times, and garden meeting dates and times.
3. Members are responsible for removing or scheduling removal of large trash or recyclable items with Department of Sanitation (DSNY) or by calling 311 for special pick-ups.
4. No dogs allowed unless it is a certified service dog.
5. Pack your trash out. Garbage and recycling bags are for trash and/or recyclables removed from compost drop-off bin and cleaned from sidewalk or inside garden fence.
6. Plots may not be assigned or transferred to someone else by garden members. Officers will assign plots according to a chronological waiting list.
7. Garden cages are allowed to prevent squirrels from taking produce. Limit any structure height to 5.5 ft.
8. Make sure you are not blocking your garden neighbors’ sunlight. If it looks like you are taking away someone's sunlight, don’t do it.
9. Smoking in the garden is prohibited.
10. Garden keys are assigned. Do not duplicate garden keys.
11. Members must hold at least 4 hours of open hours and sometimes more to cover the hours we have listed as being open. The garden should be open 20 hours a week, with 10 listed hours.
12. Members are responsible for making sure they know the rules and bylaws. A shared google drive folder for members contains pertinent information.
13. Taking produce from other plots is prohibited (unless the person has given you permission).
14. Garden tools & supplies should not leave the garden beyond the sidewalk (so you can shovel snow).
15. Eggs are available for purchase by garden members and the public (.25 for 1, $1.00 for 4)
16. Any supplies are not for the taking unless an officer tells you they are for the taking and how much you can take.
17. Pick up trash when you see it, even it is not yours.
18. Water the trees when they need it.